Fajitas are one of our favorite tex-mex dishes, though we serve them whole30-style without a tortilla (unless we have siete tortillas on hand!) we recently tried streamlining this recipe by using already-cooked chicken breast, and it was a total game changer! note, these instructions are written. Chicken fajita with paleo tortillas 0 from 0 ratings at least once or twice every month i make an effort to enjoy a tex-mex style dinner, and one of my all-time favorites is, without a doubt, the chicken fajita.. Paleo, whole30, and makes for easy meal prep! fast and easy fajita salad loaded with crispy sweet potato fries, grilled chicken, and topped with creamy avocado dressing! you can prep this whole recipe for one and save the leftovers for meals throughout grilled garlic lime chicken fajita salad. fast and easy fajita salad loaded with.
You can also make fajitas with chicken. the contents of a fajita are wrapped in a tortilla usually made with flour. since we’re a paleo crowd, we’ll skip the tortilla.. Fajitas are typically made with strips of grilled meat, but this recipe adapts the concept a little to use whole chicken breasts instead. it’s just a slightly different way to try the same flavors. fajitas are typically served with tortillas; for a paleo dinner ditch the corn and go with the paleo cauliflower version instead.. Chicken fajita foil packets are the perfect easy & healthy meal for summer grilling, camping, and cookouts. best of all, they’re loaded with all your favorite tex mex flavors and make a low carb, paleo, and keto friendly meal..